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Manx Loghtan The Kirby Flock Kirby Farmhouse, Pury End, Towcester, Northants, NN12 7NX Tel 01327 811 390
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Manx Loghtan Primitive Sheep

The Manx Loghtan is one of the rarest breeds of sheep in the British Isles and has been saved from extinction several times. The breed originated in the Isle of Man where the word 'Loghtan' means 'brown mouse'.

There was only a handful of Manx left by the 1950's and flocks were not established in England until the early 1970's. Numbers today are steady and there are also large flocks on the Isle of Man.

Breed Description
A small sheep, with mature ewes weighing about 40kg, Manx have two, four or even six horns and a ginger brown fleece.

The head and legs should be clean (no fleece) with a short rat-like tail. The lambs are born dark brown and then bleach as they mature to a ginger colour.


Newly shorn rams showing ginger-brown colour

The word Loghtan means 'brown mouse'.


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